Bengaluru: The silicon city saw a sunrise at 06:05 am with a relative humidity of 84 per cent. Meanwhile the sun is expected to set at 6:47pm. Today, heavy rainfall is likely to occur in various parts of Karnataka including North Interior Karnataka and South Interior Karnataka. Meanwhile, the coastal areas of the state can experience extremely heavy rainfall with lightning and thunderstorms.
According to the local weather department , the wind is expected to blow steadily from the west direction with an average speed of 16 km/h and the maximum speed can rise up to 24 km/h. The Air Quality Index (AQI) is expected to stand at 15.0, which indicates good air quality in the city.
Weather report for next few days
According to the IMD, coastal cities can experience strong gusty winds with extremely heavy rainfall. Karnataka State Natural Disaster Monitoring Centre (KSNDMC) shared a weather report for the next few days and wrote, "Next 5 Days #Rain #Forecast & #Warnings: (Source:IMD) Due to rise in mean sea level in the coastal seas of South Gujarat and Kerala states, widespread light to moderate rains with thundershowers accompanied by squalls will occur in coastal and Western Ghat areas of the state today." Rain is expected to continue for the next few days. The KSNDMC wrote, "For north interior districts, heavy rainfall is likely from July 31 to August 2, while moderate rainfall is likely on other days # Monsoon."
On Thursday, the clouds are expected to be mostly cloudy throughout the day, and temperatures are expected to hover between 21 degrees Celsius and 26 degrees Celsius. The city will likely experience heavy rainfall with isolated thunderstorms and lighting. The precipitation is expected to be 8.4mm.