Bengaluru: The Silicon Valley of India saw the sunrise at 06:06 am with a minimum temperature of 20°C on Monday. The sun is expected to set at 6:45 pm. The minimum and maximum temperatures are expected to hover between 20°C and 27°C. Light to moderate rainfall is predicted by the India Meteorological Department in the city.
Meanwhile, activities like thunderstorms and lightning are also expected with rainfall. An average humidity is expected to be 82 per cent. The wind is expected to blow from the west direction with a normal speed of 16 km/h.
The IMD predicts rainfall in the city
According to the IMD, the precipitation level is expected to be 4.8mm. Karnataka State Natural Disaster Monitoring Centre shared a weather report from August 5 to August 9, 2024, on X and wrote, "Next 5 days #Rain #Forecast and #Warnings: (Source:IMD) Normal rainfall is likely over the state."
"No warning has been issued by the Indian Meteorological Department. #Flood #Warning: Krishna basin due to high rainfall in Maharashtra state. However, the IMD has advised and issued an alert that citizens should not roam around the banks of the river or coastal areas."
Weather forecast for August 6
On Tuesday, the sun will likely rise at 06:06 am with a minimum temperature of 21°C and set at 6:45 pm. The wind is expected to blow from the west with a maximum speed of 19 km/h. Meanwhile, the residents will not get relief from the extreme humidity, which will likely hover around 84 per cent.