The Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) stated on Sunday that BJP leaders in Maharashtra will no longer advocate for a ban on the films of superstar Shah Rukh Khan. This comes after the actor expressed his contentment regarding the inauguration of the new Parliament building in a tweet earlier on Saturday. The tweet contained a video of his voice-over expressing happiness over the event, which was conducted by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
What did Shah Rukh Khan say?
"What a magnificent new home for the people who uphold our Constitution, represent every citizen of this great Nation and protect the diversity of her one people," Shah Rukh Khan said.
"A new Parliament building for a New India but with the age-old dream of Glory for India. Jai Hind!" the Pathaan star added.
Prime Minister Modi was quick to respond to the video tweeted by SRK.
"Beautifully expressed! The new Parliament building is a symbol of democratic strength and progress. It blends tradition with modernity," PM Modi wrote, quote tweeting Shah Rukh Khan's video.
NCP's swipe
A collective of approximately 20 Opposition parties, which includes the NCP, made the decision to boycott the event due to their objection to the prime minister inaugurating the building instead of the president.
NCP’s national spokesperson Clyde Crasto reacted to the video tweeted by Shah Rukh Khan.
Crasto tweeted, “Now that Shah Rukh Khan has spoken in favour of the New Parliament building, we will soon see @BJP4Maharashtra leaders genuflecting in front of him and not calling for a ban on his films.”
It is worth noting that Shah Rukh Khan's previous film, "Pathaan", faced significant protests from right-wing organizations, which demanded a ban on its release.