Ajmer, February 10: In a shocking incident that took place earlier this week in Ajmer district of Rajasthan, a 24-year-old man was thrashed and paraded naked over affair with a woman. The assault took place Nadi 2nd village near Saradhana. The attackers also recorded a video of the assault and made it viral on social media. Acting on a complaint lodged by the victim's family, police began an investigation.
The victim was in a romantic relationship with a woman of his village. However, the woman's family was opposed to their affair and had allegedly threatened the man. Earlier this week, a group of men "abducted" the victim, assaulted him and paraded him naked in the village. His video of being beaten and paraded without clothes went viral in the area.
Victim's Family Meets SP:
On February 7, the victim's family met Ajmer Superintendent of Police and demanded action against the culprits. "My brother was beaten badly and paraded naked in the village. He was kept hostage the whole night. The video of my brother went viral and we feel ashamed about the incident," the man's brother was quoted as saying by local media outside the SP office.
SP Orders Investigation:
The victim's family told the SP that the woman's relatives had threatened him many times. They also said that they are worried about their safety after the incident. After meeting with the victim's family, the SP ordered the Mangliyawas police station to register a complaint and launch an investigation. An investigation is underway.