The Special Judge for CBI Cases, Ahmedabad, today sentenced accused Hashmukh Chhaganbhai Rathod, the then Superintendent, Service Tax, Range, O/o the Commissioner of Central Excise, Customs and Service Tax, Nadiad to 5 years' Rigorous Imprisonment with fine of Rs. 30,000/- in a case related to bribery.
CBI, ACB, Gandhinagar had registered a case on 24.04.2014 against the said accused on allegations that accused demanded illegal gratification of Rs.2500/- for granting Registration Certificate (Service Tax Code) (ST-2) to the complainants partnership firm. After negotiation, the accused agreed to accept illegal gratification of Rs. 2,000 from the complainant.
CBI laid a trap on 25.04.2024 and accused Hashmukh C. Rathod was caught red-handed while demanding and accepting the bribe of Rs 2000 from the complainant. Accused was subsequently arrested.
After the completion of investigation, charge sheet was filed on 22.08.2014 against the accused for the offence of demanding and accepting illegal gratification and criminal misconduct. After trial, the Court found the accused guilty and sentenced him accordingly.