Weekly Tarot Predictions: Tarot Card Reading From Oct 9th, 2023 To Oct 15th, 2023 For All Zodiac Signs

Weekly Tarot Predictions: Tarot Card Reading From Oct 9th, 2023 To Oct 15th, 2023 For All Zodiac Signs

From your love life to career and health to spirituality, find out what the cards reveal. Read on to know your weekly Tarot messages.

Akshata KhanolkarUpdated: Monday, October 09, 2023, 04:02 PM IST
Weekly tarot predictions: Tarot card reading from Oct 9th, 2023 to Oct 15th, 2023 for all zodiac signs |


The Empress

The Empress |

Dear Aries, this week you are going to be in your element. Bold and confident. Finances and material indulgence are going to be on your mind. Some of you need to slow down and cool your emotions. Your dreams need a practical plan. It is a great period to ideate and note down your thoughts. Allow your ideas to develop before taking any strong action. Your past experiences shall help strategise and draw caution towards the pitfalls in front of you. Travel is on the cards for a select few. Your personal life could make you feel sensitive. Try to work on past hurts and move to a calmer state of mind. Some of you may not be ready to meet new potential romantic partners or you may not feel drawn to prospective partners due to your own resistance. It is ok to take your time to open yourself up to new love.


Five of Swords

Five of Swords |

Dear Taurus, this week you are going to be in a hurry to get things done. You will feel a tremendous surge of energy to accomplish tasks. It is going to be a busy and competitive period. Try to keep your temper in check and avoid getting instigated by your environment. Be patient, observe people and circumstances before responding or reacting. Your intuition is going to be on point. Use it to your advantage to see things that others have not noticed. Soon it is going to be time for you to step into the limelight and showcase your talents and abilities. You are ready to step out of your comfort zone and you will be victorious. Your skills will draw attention and appreciation. When it comes to your personal life, try to remain balanced in your approach. You may feel emotionally overwhelmed and say things which you do not mean. 


The Moon

The Moon |

Dear Gemini, this week brings strong intuitive power and the ability to look at things below the surface. It is time for you to face your shadow side and your flaws. Take the lead in unlocking the magic of your inner strength. You will be surprised at the transformation you are capable of undergoing through sheer willpower. If you have been working on improving any aspect of your life, you are very close to achieving your goal. Try to be patient with your progress and build your capabilities slowly and steadily. Your finances are going to start coming back into order. Some of you may decide to make an expensive purchase. Others could shop, eat, drink and party with your friends. When it comes to your personal life, keep your heart open. You may be able to start a new chapter with a potential romantic partner. Their companionship could bring much needed love and healing in your life.


Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles |

Dear Cancerians, this week you will work hard to achieve your professional and financial goals. Think big. Expand the confines of your mind during this period. Your efforts shall not be wasted and all this busy energy shall payoff in the end. It is time for you to invest in your mental and physical healing. Practise gratitude and work through your fears. Try to put your trust in professionals who will help you improve your well-being. When it comes to your personal life, you may be more emotional and sensitive than usual. Your relationship with your romantic partner could deepen and grow stronger. However, you may have to mind your temper with other loved ones. You may get instigated into arguments easily or circumstances around you could provoke a reaction from you. 


Nine of Pentacles

Nine of Pentacles |

Dear Leo, this week luck is on your side and you will have the ability to shine in your career. You will feel financially independent and secure. This period brings strong opportunities to create wealth. It shall be important to explore these opportunities, however, you may need to take your time to decide before moving ahead. Trust your instincts and sign any contract after undertaking proper checks. It shall be busier than usual and you will have to deal with a lot of important work-related matters. Your diligence, grounded-ness and stable energy will help you maintain consistency in your efforts. It is a good time to expand your geographical reach and think about capturing more territories. Your personal life shall remain stable and bring much happiness into your life. However, it shall not be a point of focus during this period. You may decide to spend more time by yourself and think of ways to increase your wealth and get ahead in your career. 


Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords |

Dear Virgos, this week you are going to be blessed with clarity of thought. Your mind will be sharp and quick thinking. You may feel like it is time to break free from restrictions and follow the beat of your own drum. There shall be an itch to take risks and try things outside your comfort zone. You may feel like unleashing your wild side and you will stand your ground with anyone challenging your position. Do not worry about any detours you may have to take during this period. Any changes will act as a blessing in disguise. Your logical and practical approach to things will help you get recognition at your workplace. When it comes to your personal life, there shall be a need to lighten the mood. Try to be more playful, connect with your sensitive and passionate side. Some of you may travel with your loved ones and relive old memories. Do not ignore ageing related ailments. 


 Two of Pentacles

Two of Pentacles |

Dear Libra, this week money is going to be on your mind. You will be blessed with clarity of thought and opportunities to increase your wealth. Some of you could be presented with a new job or increment. You will juggle your finances along with multiple other responsibilities with ease. Do not forget important details even if you are about to tackle multiple chores. Be confident in your abilities and stand your ground. The Universe/spirit guides/higher-self will guide you, hence, pay attention to your gut feeling. Some of you may decide to meet your loved ones and celebrate a special occasion. Others may indulge in shopping and making big purchases. Beware of excess consumption of food and drinks. Focus on your healing. Some of you need to detoxify your system and steer clear from unhealthy items. It maybe time for an annual health check up. Incase of any existing ailments, a visit to your medical practitioner shall be beneficial. It is time you pay heed to their advice. 


Five of Cups

Five of Cups |

Dear Scorpio, this could be an emotionally difficult week. You may not feel like looking at the bright side of things. It is time you keep your heart open and remind yourself that you are loved. You may have to mind your temper, especially in your personal life. Take time and space before responding or reacting to people. Your professional life will thrive. You will have a lot of energy to fight back any challenges and emerge victorious. Your contributions shall be recognised. Collaboration and communication shall be important when dealing with matters of the workplace. Some of you may celebrate career related success during this period. Your finances are looking strong and you are attracting a lot of material abundance into your life. 


Dear Sagittarius, this week brings a lot of healing and stability. You will start feeling a lot more positive about your life during this period. Your mind will thrive with ideas and energy. It is time for you to reflect on your priorities and get clarity on the way forward. Your ideas will have the potential to earn you good money and recognition, if executed well. You will feel financially self-sufficient and capable. Do not let pride get in the way of your progress. When it comes to your personal life, there shall be love all around you. Take the opportunity to create adjustments and heal your relationships. Avoid getting too defensive. You could enjoy a special occasion or celebration with your loved ones. This will make you feel happy and confident. Remember that you have the ability to bring a lot of light into the lives of people around you.


Page of Pentacles

Page of Pentacles |

Dear Capricorn, this week you are asked to slow down and relax a little. Spend more time by yourself. Reflect, recharge, and avoid unnecessary chores. Delegate your responsibilities and ask for help, wherever needed. Stay rooted, grounded and get good sleep. Try to be in the moment and enjoy your surroundings. Your finances are looking strong and stable. Some of you could be offered a new job, financial opportunity or an increment. Your commitment to your work could get a little tested during this period. Your personal life looks stable, content and happy. You will be able to bring much healing in your relationships. Some of you may consider investing in a new home. Keep your precious belongings safe. 


Ace of Wands

Ace of Wands |

Dear Aquarians, it is time for you to clear your vision and choose a new direction. Do not put the pressure of trying to figure everything out immediately. Try to embrace the flow of life and leave certain details to the divine. Despite having great potential, you are going to question a lot of things in your life. You may feel a little alone and left out. Do not shy away from asking for emotional support from your loved ones during this period. Self-acceptance and patience shall be your key to success. Use the energy you have to be bold and fearless.  Honour your inner knowing, your gut, your intuition. Some of you need to take better care of your financial resources. Pay attention to your mental and physical health. Take good rest and seek medical care, if required. 


The Moon

The Moon |

Dear Pisces, this week you may get a reality check. Do not get stuck in illusions or delusions. Accept the truth even if it may seem like a bitter pill. Try to remain calm and take care of your needs. You may have to fix your sleeping pattern. It may not be the right time to take important decisions. Your work-life shall be productive and you will be blessed with interesting ideas. Your personal life shall bring much needed happiness and stability into your life. Some of you may decide to expand your family. You could welcome a new pet or a child into your family. Singles could meet someone special and exciting. Some of you may decide to commit to a relationship. However, you are asked to consider all the possibilities before taking things forward. 

Deck- White Sage Tarot


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