Axis Bank has pledged Rs100 crore to the National Cancer Grid (NCG), a network of over 300 cancer centres in India working to improve cancer care. The network is coordinated by Tata Memorial Hospital, a constituent unit of the Tata Memorial Centre. The five-year partnership will help enhance access to cancer care, advance cancer research and revolutionise digital health adoption.
As a part of the programme, Axis Bank will support establishment of key projects such as the National Tumour Biobank, National Cancer Tele-consultation Network, and oncology-specific Electronic Medical Records (EMRs). Notably, these initiatives are aligned with the Government of India’s efforts in increasing digital health adoption, including the use of Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM).
The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing ceremony was attended byAxis Bank’s deputy MD Rajiv Anand, and specialists and heads of other stakeholders. Anand said, “This partnership resonates with Axis Bank’s overarching Corporate Social Responsibility mission of promoting sustainable healthcare, including preventive health.”
Dr CS Pramesh, the Tata Memorial Hospital director and convenor of National Cancer Grid, said, “This support is critical for us to drive cancer research, innovation and digital health initiatives at the National Cancer Grid, which has taken several transformational steps for delivery of high-quality cancer care to patients with cancer across the country.”