From preventing cancer to treating hormonal imbalance, 5 benefits of adding soy to your daily meal

From preventing cancer to treating hormonal imbalance, 5 benefits of adding soy to your daily meal

Consuming a diet rich in soy hold a variety of health benefits.

FPJ Web DeskUpdated: Friday, October 28, 2022, 10:00 AM IST
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Health must never be compromised or taken for granted. If you know that breakfast is crucial to one's well-being, enrich your morning diet with soybeans. Soy or soya isn't entirely bad for you, as a few research suggest. Take a look at some reasons that will make you add the ingredient to your meal.

Prevent cancer

Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men. In countries where soy and tomato are eaten regularly, prostate cancer were significantly lesser, reveals a study conducted by John Erdman, a University of Illinois professor of food science and nutrition.

Women diagnosed with breast cancer are often told not to eat soy foods or soy-based supplements because they can interfere with anti-estrogen treatment. New research carried out by lead investigator Leena Hilakivi-Clarke from the US has found that long-term consumption of these foods actually reduces the risk of the disease recurring.

Reduce dementia risk

The study, published in the journal Alzheimer's & Dementia: TRCI, reports that metabolite produced following consumption of dietary soy may decrease a key risk factor for dementia--with the help of the right bacteria.

Escape diabetes

Soy isoflavones are proven by research to lower the levels of insulin in the blood. Especially in women with PCO, who are prone to T2 diabetes, soybeans can do wonders to control their biological markers and provide them better health.

Say NO to bone loss

Soy foods come with a variety of health benefits, including amelioration of bone loss during adulthood. Research published in The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Journal recommends individuals switch over milk and choose soy alternatives, as the protein intake from it would help in keeping bones strong and healthy.

Trick your troublesome hormones

Consuming a diet rich in soy may help people with a type of hormonal disorder associated with infertility prevent poor health conditions, suggests research. Controlling hormonal imbalance is the key to dealing with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) — a hormonal disorder causing enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges and a major cause of infertility.