Stand-up comedian and actor Kapil Sharma recently walked the ramp with her daughter Anayra for a fundraiser event. Several pictures and videos of Krushna Abhishek, Bharti Singh and her son Laksh walking the ramp has also surfaced on social media.
Kapil and Anayra's adorable video has caught the attention of netizens and in no time, their video went viral. The father-daughter duo twinned in black outfits.
Kapil Sharma walks the ramp with daughter Anayra
While Kapil wore black suit and completed his look with black sunglasses, three-year-old Anyra looked super cute in a black glittery dress which featured a big bow on her left shoulder.
Anyra looked confident as she walked the ramp, holding Kapil's hand. She blew kisses and also waved at the audiences.
Kapil shared the video on his Instagram story and wrote, "With my little Miss Universe."
Take a look at the video here:
Actors and comedians Bharti Singh and Krushna Abhishek also walked the ramp. In the video, Krushna is seen carrying Bharti and Haarsh's son Laksh aka Gola in his arms as they made an appearance in black outfits.
Check out the video:
Kapil and his wife Ginni Chatrath got married in December 2018 in Jalandhar at a traditional Punjabi ceremony. Their wedding was preceded by days of ceremonies and pre-marriage rituals, including a sangeet which saw their friends dance the night away.
They were blessed with their daughter Anayra in December 2019. The couple welcomed their second child, a son, in February 2021.