Legendary actress Sridevi ruled the Indian cinema with her iconic performances in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Hindi films. In her journey of almost 50 years in the industry, she was a part of more than 266 films. Remember the love story of the actress on her birth anniversary, let's take a trip down memory lane, where the producer-husband once said that if he were Saha Jahan, he would have built the Taj Mahal for Sridevi.
Boney Kapoor talked about the love and respect that he has for Sridevi. Speaking to Filmfare, he said, “If I was Shah Jahan I would have built her a Taj Mahal. If I were a painter, I would have made her a beautiful painting. But, I make movies. Hence, I don't know a better way than the gift of films for her.”
Sridevi was born in Sivakasi on August 13, 1963. She had a tragic death on February 24, 2018, leaving a nation in mourning. Earlier, in an interview, Janhvi Kapoor once recalled how his father, Boney Kapoor, jumped out of a hotel window to impress his mother, Sridevi.
She revealed, “You know Dad’s jumped out of a hotel window once when he was visiting Mom. He jumped out the window and she started laughing. He said ‘that’s when I knew ‘pat gayi'.
Boney And Sridevi Love Story
Their story kicked off when Boney wanted to cast her in a film Mr India, and paid more than her mother demanded. The two fell in love while filming. Boney Kapoor was married to Mona Shourie Kapoor when he fell in love with Sridevi.
His affair with Sridevi broke their happily married life and he left his wife, Mona, and two kids for Sridevi. Boney Kapoor and Sridevi were married for almost 22 years until her death in 2018.