Actor-producer Arbaaz Khan turned 57 on Sunday (August 4). Recently, his wife Sshura Khan took to her social media and shared a video of him dancing to the track Ke Pag Ghungroo by Kishore Kumar. She also penned a heartfelt note wishing him on his birthday.
Taking to her Instagram handle, Sshura shared a clip in which different dance videos are compiled and Arbaaz showcases his dance skills. Sharing the video, she wrote, "Happy birthday Arbaaz. Not a day goes by dull with u being around, your witty jokes, your craziness, your hilarious dancing moves (laughing emojis).
Sshura further added, "From praying with u to fighting with u every moment is so special. Ur loyalty ur love ur dedication ur respect is commendable. From your dimples to wrinkles I will be there with you. Love you Mr Khan to infinity and beyond."
A few days ago, Sshura shared a romantic photo with hubby Arbaaz Khan. In the picture, the two can be seen hugging and boarding smiles. The duo twinned in a brown ensemble at the backdrop of a restaurant. She wrote, Sukoon and had the song You Are The Reason by Alex Porat.
Earlier, Sshura addressed the talked about age gap difference between the couple. On social media during an Ask Me Anything, she was questioned about their age and height. To which she wrote, "Arbaaz is 5'10 and I am 5'1 and age is just a number."
Arbaaz Khan married Sshura Khan in December 2023, which surprised his admirers because the couple had not publicly discussed their love before then. Later they confirmed that the two had been dating for over a year before they got married but was not spotted anywhere by the media.