Bollywood actress Kajol turned 50 on Monday (August 5). On the special occasion, she stepped out to thank her fans who had gathered outside her Mumbai residence, Shiv Shakti, to wish her. Several visuals have surfaced on social media in which the actress is seen celebrating her birthday in the presence of her admirers and paps.
However, Kajol faced an uncomfortable situation as fans, eager to celebrate, began crowding around her. Despite good intentions, their attempts to touch her and request handshakes caused Kajol to appear visibly irritated and uneasy.
Kajol's discomfort can be seen in the videos that have been shared by paparazzi on social media. One of the clips shows the actress cutting a cake and receiving handmade gifts from the fans.
"Bas bas bas, please," she is heard saying in the video before thanking her fans and stepping inside. The actress wore a blue top, printed shrug and completed her look with boho jewellery.
Check out the videos here:
To make her day more special, her actor-husband Ajay Devgn penned a special note for her on Instagram. Expressing his love for Kajol, Ajay wrote, "Your laughter is contagious, your love infinite, and your energy... well, I'm still catching up! Despite all the pranks I pull, you're the one who brings joy to our lives. Celebrating you today and always. Happiest Birthday @kajol."
Meanwhile, on the work front, Kajol is set to appear in the much-anticipated action thriller Maharagni - Queen of Queens. She will reunite with Prabhudeva after 27 years for this project. Directed by Charan Tej Uppalapati, the film will be released in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam.
She will also star in Do Patti with Kriti Sanon. The film is all set release on an OTT platform.