Delhi Crime Actress Shefali Shah, who was nominated for Best Actress at the 51st International Emmy Awards, lost the trophy to Karla Souza from Mexico who won it for Dive. For the ceremony, Shefali flaunted her beautiful red saree with golden work over it on the red carpet in New York. For glam on this special occasion, she kept her makeup minimal and wore a traditional golden statement necklace. Her wavy hair accentuated her ethnic style and her red round bindi complimented her entire look.
The other nominees in the Best Actress category were Connie Nielsen from Denmark, and Billie Piper from the UK.
Delhi Crime, directed by Tanuj Chopra featured Shefali as the protagonist DCP Vartika Chaturvedi, while Rajesh Tilang and Rasika Duggal were also cast in lead roles.
Shefali Shah brilliantly portrays a character embodying calm, composure, and unwavering rationality, challenging stereotypes in a male-dominated profession. Addressed as 'Madam-Sir' by a fellow female officer, DCP Vartika Chaturvedi shatters gender barriers.
The first season of the show was based on the Delhi Police's investigation into the infamous 2012 Delhi gangrape. It was the first Indian web series to win an International Emmy Award.
The second season takes viewers on a new crime saga, further showcasing her exceptional skills in solving complex cases in the heart of Delhi.
Produced by SK Global Entertainment, Golden Karavan, and Film Karavan, 'Delhi Crime S2' was inspired by true events.
An actor known for easy diverse roles and a wide array of characters with aplomb, Shefali has left audiences spellbound with her magnetic screen presence and brilliant performances in 'Jalsa', 'Human', and 'Darlings' and 'Doctor G, among others.