Actor Govinda on Thursday (August 3) shared a video on Instagram and revealed that his Twitter account has been hacked. This comes after a tweet from his official handle went viral on Wednesday. In the tweet, he had condemned violence in Haryana.
However, the actor was brutally trolled after his tweet went viral. He has now shared a video and said that he is not active on Twitter and has not used the social media platform since several years.
Revealing that his account has been hacked, he stated, "Please do not attribute Haryana's tweet to me. I have not done this. Somebody has hacked my account. I'm complaining to cyber crime now. I will look into the matter."
The caption of his post read, "I would like say that my Twitter account has been Hacked so please do not attribute the Haryana tweet to me. I have not posted it."
Govinda's Twitter account has now been deactivated. Screenshots of his tweet, however, went viral on social media platforms.
For those unversed, the communal clash that erupted in Haryana's Nuh reached Gurugram and resulted in casualties and several people were also injured.
Reportedly, the Haryana Police filed 44 FIRs and arrested 139 culprits so far to investigate the communal riots.
Govinda's professional front
Over the years, Govinda has starred in more than 165 films, and has won several awards and accolades for his roles. He carved a niche for himself with his spectacular comic timing and unique dancing skills.
While Govinda had started out as an action hero with the 1986 film 'Ilzaam', he went on to play the lead in numerous commercially successful comedy films, most of them with David Dhawan.
Recently, Govinda was seen as one of the judges in the dance reality show 'Dance Bangla Dance'.