Actress Karishma Kotak, who entered the world of showbiz, worked her way up to become a successful television presenter. She has been a part of films like Mr Joe B. Carvalho, Luckhnowi Ishq, and Freaky Ali to name a few. She garnered fame, especially during the Indian Premier League, and went on to present at the Cricket World Cup and FIFA World Cup. The actress was also seen in the sixth season of the reality show Bigg Boss. The Free Press Journal caught up with her for an exclusive interaction.
Acting in a project or presenting on TV, what excites you the most?
I love television, being a live presenter. If it’s a good project and you’re working with a great team like my upcoming project, Kunal Kohli's Shlok with Bobby Deol was as fun to me as hosting the FIFA World Cup.
How different was Bigg Boss at the time you participated versus now?
When I did Bigg Boss, it wasn’t this mean. People are very unkind at the moment. They will do anything for attention. Ours was still fun and lively. It is an excellent platform because people like you. One can get a lot of work out of it.
How did you gravitate toward sports presentation?
I was very lucky that I was asked to audition after Bigg Boss and subsequently for the Indian Premier League. It definitely changed my life. Once you do live television, which is really daunting and hard initially, it gives you the courage to do a lot of other things.
Any sour experiences in the entertainment industry?
I’m an Indian girl from London so my accent is different, I am very fair, and I don’t look very traditional. Sometimes you have to play it down more. But India has been amazing to me. I’ve got many opportunities and am so blessed for that. There is something about Mumbai. There’s enough work for everyone. As soon as I landed, I got the Kingfisher Calendar, did advertisements and a Telugu movie. So yes, there were experiences that weren’t easy but they made me the person that I am and grateful for everything.
Were you treated differently as an outsider?
I have been dropped from projects and have been replaced by A-list actresses. Eventually, what is meant to be yours will come to you. Not everyone is going to want you. When you’re younger, you take things personally. As you get older, you realise that most things happen for the right reasons. It is difficult with star kids or people coming in and cutting rates and working for less. You think you’ve got 20 years of experience and people will continue to use you for their projects, but I don’t think it’s like that. You constantly have to prove yourself.
Do you think women in showbiz are pressured to maintain a certain beauty standard?
There’s a lot of pressure that is given to especially women in the industry or the ones who’ve had children, and it’s not really fair. It’s a blessing to be alive.
Are you being approached for films or web series?
Filmmakers have approached me but I’m somebody who really doesn’t want to do kissing and lovemaking scenes. So, unless the projects that come to me are pretty big, I am not sure if it’s for me.
As a woman who’s made it on her own, what’s your take on love?
There’s always room for love, it has always been a priority for me. I’ve let jobs go, travelled to destinations for the person I love. There’s no point in working so hard if you have no one to share it with. I expect loyalty, kindness, and someone who is a constant best friend. Romance and physical attraction are important, but ultimately you want to be who you are and enjoy life.