Superstar Shah Rukh Khan has earned the title of the King of Romance with his films and in real life too, his love story with wife Gauri Khan is no less than a Bollywood movie. But like every other star, he too fell prey to rumours, and the one which specifically grabbed eyeballs was that he had an extra-marital affair with actress Priyanka Chopra.
SRK's friend, actor and producer Vivek Vaswani has now finally spilled the beans and he stated that there was no truth to the reports and even went on to call the actor a "one-woman man".
When Vivek was asked if he was ever in a relationship with SRK, he immediately replied, "You mean sexual relationship? No. He’s not that sort. I don’t know where the rumours came from. We were living in the same house, my parents were there, there was tension, stress about career, he had to get married to Gauri, where would a relationship be in all of this?"
He went on to say, "There was a relationship of friendship. There was no relationship of sex. I would not even be able to think."
Calling SRK a "one-woman man all his life", Vaswani stated that the superstar has been devoted to his wife Gauri. "How many flings have you heard of? We have had one rumour of Priyanka Chopra, that also its a rumour but what else have we heard of Shah Rukh? Nothing. He’s not that kind of a person," he said.
He added that people tend to say "all sorts of things" when a person becomes successful, but when it came to SRK, there was no truth to the chatter.
SRK and Gauri got married in 1991 and they are proud parents to three kids -- Aryan Khan, Suhana Khan and AbRam Khan. Shah Rukh has often stated how Gauri and their children have acted as an anchor for him all his life, and he has also never shied away from crediting them for his success and stardom.