Ahaan Panday, the son of Deanne Pandey and Chikki Panday, and the cousin of actress Ananya Panday, is all set to mark his Bollywood debut with the upcoming love story helmed by Mohit Suri and bankrolled by YashRaj Films. The young lad had grabbed eyeballs during the wedding of his sister Alanna Panday, and he is now all set to brace the silver screens.
“Ahaan has been shaped by Aditya Chopra personally for years. He has been kept under wraps by YRF so that he can focus on bettering his craft. To the industry, Ahaan Panday’s launch is one of the biggest debut by a youngster in the Hindi film industry in years. The massive project that he has been signed on for is the Mohit Suri love story!” informs a trade source.
The source adds, “Ahaan was introduced to Mohit Suri so that the director could assess if he was the right actor to headline his film and be the quintessential romantic hero. He worked under Mohit’s supervision and floored him with his auditions and multiple screen tests! Mohit wanted a fresh, young boy who had the charisma to be a hero on the big screen and he is supremely excited about Ahaan’s potential."
Fans and netizens are quite familiar to Ahaan, courtesy, his photos with cousin Ananya and other starkids. However, it was during Alanna's wedding that he sent the internet into a tizzy with his dance moves and at present, he already enjoys a massive fan following on social media.
As for Mohit Suri, he has helmed hits like Aashiqui 2, Ek Villain, Hamari Adhuri Kahani, Malang, among others.
Ahaan's Bollywood debut film, which is yet to be titled, is set to go on floors later this year.