South filmmaker Meher Ramesh has been facing the wrath of Ajith fans of late after he went on to record to say that the superstar's 2015 film 'Vedalam' had "10 times more cringe scenes" than 'Bholaa Shankar'. Incidentally, Ramesh has helmed Chiranjeevi's 'Bholaa Shankar', which is a remake of Ajith's 'Vedalam', which was directed by Siva.
As soon as his interview went viral, fans of Ajith rallied against him and blasted him on social media for calling the film "cringe".
And now, Ramesh has finally responded to the flak on social media and has issued a statement clarifying his comments.
Meher Ramesh's statement after flak on Vedalam comment
On Tuesday, Ramesh took to his Twitter handle to mention that he admires the original 'Vedalam'.
"I loved Vedalam when watched in 2015 and admired how the original story by @directorsiva sir showed strong bonding of a brother & sister, a sentiment that reflects with millions of people and wanted to show it our Telugu audience," he wrote.
He went on to say, "In 2009, I remade Ajith sir’s Billa with Darling Prabhas and now again I’m grateful for the opportunity to do Ajith Sir’s Action entertainer “Vedalam” as Megastar #BholaaShankar 🔱 worldwide release in 2 days."
About Bholaa Shankar
With 'Bholaa Shankar', Meher Ramesh is set to make a comeback after a decade. While the film is headed by megastar Chiranjeevi, it has Keerthy Suresh and Tamannaah Bhatia as the female leads.
While Keerthy will be seen playing Chiranjeevi's sister, Tamannaah will be his love interest.
'Bholaa Shankar' is set to hit the theatres on August 11.