Tiruvannamalai: In a disturbing incident, snakes were found in the women's restroom at the Government College in Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu. The shocking discovery has exposed the poor state of sanitation and safety within the college. The presence of snakes in the restroom has caused fear and anxiety among the students.
A video of many snakes crawling in the toilet commode has surfaced on the internet and the video is going viral on social media. Music composer G.V. Prakash Kumar has also shared the incident on his official social media account and slammed those who fail to fulfill their duties.
Students at Cheyyar Anna Government College, where the incident occurred, have voiced their concerns about the poor maintenance of the college facilities. Thousands of students attend this college, and they have reported that the restrooms are not being properly cleaned or maintained. The area around the restrooms is said to be overgrown with bushes, which may have contributed to the snake infestation.
The horrific video shows around a dozen snakes crawling inside the toilet commode. There are no reports of any student being bitten by the snakes. However, the condition under which the students are forced to use the toilet is dangerous and they can be bitten by these snakes while in the toilet or in the vicinity of the college. The authorities need to take action and clean the bushes that have grown near the toilet area outside the college building.
The situation has gained widespread attention after music composer G.V. Prakash Kumar posted about it on the X platform, drawing public and media scrutiny to the college's sanitation issues. He said, "Let 'Women's Education' call out those who do not fulfill their duties...!!"
Students are now demanding immediate action. They have requested that the restrooms be thoroughly cleaned and maintained by sanitation workers to ensure that such hazardous conditions do not persist. The shocking state of the restrooms is a clear example of gross negligence, and there is an urgent need for accountability to protect the health and safety of the students.