Mumbai's IGCSE March Results 2024: Meet the Top Scorers Setting the Bar High

Mumbai's IGCSE March Results 2024: Meet the Top Scorers Setting the Bar High

Let’s have a look at how Mumbai students have fared in these exams:

Chaitali DharamshiUpdated: Friday, May 24, 2024, 12:44 PM IST

Mumbai: After CBSE, ISC and state board results, The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) has also announced its results for A level and IGCSE levels, yesterday, 23 May 2024.

Let’s have a look at how Mumbai students have fared in these exams.

Keyboardist And A National Award Recipient Scores 96%

Ridhima Aditya Pathak, who achieved a remarkable 96% in the IGCSE with a perfect score in mathematics, shared her study techniques and advice for others. "I made personal notes, solved numerous past papers and always followed my teachers' guidance," she explained. Highlighting the significance of self-study, she remarked, "I believe that self-study is as vital as paying attention in class. Practice is essential, and solving past papers was the most effective way for me to prepare for exams."

Ridhima Aditya Pathak

Ridhima Aditya Pathak | FPJ

Pathak has set her sights on IIT Bombay for Computer Science and Engineering and has already begun her preparations. "I always started my preparation early and would revise my syllabus a month before exams. I never waited until the last moment," she said.

In addition to her academic achievements, Pathak is a talented keyboardist and a national award recipient. "I love listening to music and enjoy painting in my leisure time. Despite having a tight schedule, I always managed to find time for my hobbies," she shared.

Balanced approach to academics & extracurricular activities helped, 94% scorer

Gavir Singh Behl, a student at Ryan Global School in Andheri, achieved an impressive 94% in the IGCSE board exams. He attributes his success to a well-planned study strategy and a balanced approach to breaks. "I ensured that I studied for three to four hours daily and had all my study materials organised," he explained. "Being well-prepared meant that exams didn't stress me out. In fact, I didn't experience any stress during the exam period,” Bahl added.

Gavir Singh Behl

Gavir Singh Behl | FPJ

Behl has ambitious plans and is aiming to become an astrophysicist. He has already started preparing for his next academic challenge. "I am going to work even harder and aim for a higher score in my 12th grade exams," he said. "This achievement has motivated me, and I am determined to excel further."

In addition to his academic pursuits, Behlis also passionate about sports, particularly volleyball and basketball. "I actively participated in school matches and have a great interest in sports," he shared. This balanced approach to academics and extracurricular activities has contributed to his overall success and well-being, he claimed.


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