In a disturbing incident, a teacher has been apprehended for allegedly molesting a 16-year-old student within the premises of a coaching class in Mumbai. The arrest comes following a complaint filed by the victim, prompting the police to take swift action.
Legal Action and Charges:
Upon receiving the girl's complaint, the police registered a case against the accused teacher under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code and the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act. The seriousness of the allegations underscores the gravity of the legal repercussions awaiting the accused.
Details of the Allegations and arrest
According to the victim's complaint, the teacher reportedly molested her on two separate occasions last month, both incidents occurring within the confines of the coaching class located in the Sion Koliwada area under the jurisdiction of the Antop Hill police station.
The accused teacher has been arrested and subsequently remanded to police custody. The authorities are actively pursuing the investigation to ensure justice for the victim and uphold the safety of students within educational institutions.
(Inputs from PTI)