In recent news from Mumbai's Bhaktivedanta Swami Mission School (ICSE), the management and education officials have been summoned by the state education minister's office. This is about complaints against the school, and it's hearing on July 13.
Following that, the Public Trusts Registration Office, Greater Mumbai, is about to conduct an inspection audit. This inspection will be followed by an inquiry of the ISKON trust, one which runs the school, on July 11.
What is the accusation?
According to the reports, the school has been accused of forcing parents to buy uniforms from a particular vendor for years. The management refused to mend its ways despite repeated complaints. In addition to that, the Mumbai School Education deputy director wrote to the state government requesting to withdraw its no-objection certificate (NOC) for affiliation.
Besides making allegations about forcing parents to buy uniforms from a select dealer, the complainant, Suhas Zhambare, also told the education minister and Public Trusts Registration Office that the management had misappropriated funds.
The Officials Say:
The letter by the inspector, Public Trusts Registration Office, Greater Mumbai, dated July 3, to the president of ISKCON trust reads: "In exercise of the powers vested in the inspector under Section 37 of the Maharashtra Public Trusts Act, 1950, I undersigned propose to take inspection of the above-referred trust (ISKCON trust) on July 11 at 10.30 am. You are therefore requested to remain present in person on the aforesaid and prescribed time at the office and bring the following trust records for the last three years for my inspection."
In line with Zhambare, the school has been misusing the funds. He said, "Profiting is not allowed, and if there are surplus funds, they can only be used for the school's development and welfare of students, not to obtain interest-free loans to the trust/principal. We do not want the school to shut down. We love the school, and the teachers are also very good. But those responsible for this corruption need to be punished."
Ajit Thorat, an inspector at the Public Trusts Registration Office, Greater Mumbai, confirmed that an inspection and inquiry into the matter would be conducted. Braj Hari Das Prabhuji, president of ISKCON trust and Kapila Prabhuji (trustee), could not be reached. A senior school official confirmed that they had received a letter for a hearing at the school education minister's office on July 13 but refused to comment on the issue.