A five-member committee has been set up by the Delhi University on Monday to inquire into alleged harassment of Indraprastha College for Women students during a cultural festival last week.
The committee will be headed by Prakash Singh, director of South Delhi Campus, and has been asked to submit its report within a week, a notification issued by Delhi University Registrar Vikas Gupta stated.
Students at Indraprastha College for Women alleged that some men scaled the walls of the college during a fest last week and "harassed several students".
"The Competent Authority has constituted the committee to inquire into the incident that happened on 29th March, 2023 in the Indraprastha College for Women, University of Delhi during the college cultural festival," the registrar said.
The committee was also asked to suggest measures to curb such incidents in future.
Members of the committee are Proctor Rajni Abbi, Dean of Students Welfare Pankaj Arora, Joint Proctor Geeta Sahare and Professor, Department of Hindi, Manju Mukul Kumble.
"The Chairperson of the Committee is authorised to co-opt any additional member as and when needed," the registrar said.