Gujarat Education Minister Praful Pansheriya has confirmed that 20 students from Bangladesh, sponsored by the Government of India and studying at Gujarat University, are safe amidst the ongoing political crisis in Bangladesh. The University and the Government of Gujarat have taken responsibility for their security.
"CM Bhupendra Patel has informed the Education Department that 20 students (from Bangladesh), sponsored by the Government of India, are studying at Gujarat University. After the unrest in Bangladesh, MEA issued a rule. So, the VC held a meeting with all those students; all of them are safe," he said.
"The responsibility for security of all students has been taken up by the University and Government of Gujarat. All of them are safe and there is no problem. Out of these 20 students, 8 are girls and 12 are boys," the Minister added.
Meanwhile, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar informed the Lok Sabha that there are approximately 19,000 Indian nationals in Bangladesh, including 9,000 students. The government is in close contact with the Indian community in Dhaka and has ensured the safe return of the bulk of the students in July.
Former Bangladeshi PM Sheikh Hasina Seeks Refuge in India
Jaishankar also revealed that Bangladesh's former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina requested permission to enter India at short notice and arrived in Delhi on Monday evening, following her decision to resign amidst the political unrest.
India-Bangladesh Ties Remain Strong
The External Affairs Minister emphasised that ties between India and Bangladesh are exceptionally close and that the government is monitoring the situation regarding minorities living in Bangladesh.
(With inputs of agencies)