In a shocking news from the Government Higher Secondary School, Therkutheru in Tamil Nadu's Madurai district, at least 17 ninth-grade students sustained minor injuries when they were hit by branches of an uprooted tree on the school ground on Thursday.
The students were seated beneath the tree, getting ready for their mid-year exams, when the tree's uprooted branches fell on them. They were promptly taken to Government Rajaji Hospital for medical care, with their parents and school staff by their side.
Madurai CEO visited hospital after the incident:
The Hindu reported, Madurai's Chief Educational Officer (CEO), K. Karthika, visited GRH to check on the students' well-being. Speaking to the media at the GRH, she said that the students had minor bruises and thankfully, none of them had sustained any major injuries.
The students panicked after the incident. They were given first aid at the hospital and later shifted to the general ward. They were, however, under observation, she said.