On Friday night in the police station area, a speeding Scorpio car lost control, overturning after colliding with a divider and striking medical students waiting for a bus, according to local media reports. The fatal accident claimed the life of a Chhattisgarh-based medical student, identified as 27-year-old Divyansh Gupta, while another student from Hyderabad, 27-year-old Madhavi Choudhary, suffered severe injuries and is currently receiving treatment at a private hospital.
Victim enrolled at Patanjali Yogpeeth Medical College
The The students, enrolled at Patanjali Yogpeeth Medical College, were standing by the roadside when the out-of-control Scorpio veered off course, causing the devastating collision. The aftermath led to chaos along the highway. Shantarshah outpost in-charge Khemendra Gangwar promptly arrived at the scene, transporting the injured Madhavi Choudhary to a private hospital. Tragically, Divyansh Gupta succumbed to his injuries, as declared by medical professionals.
Following the fatality, the police conveyed the unfortunate news to the victim's family after sending the body for post-mortem examination. The damaged Scorpio car was impounded, and a case will be registered upon receiving the formal complaint. The incident serves as a grim reminder of the importance of road safety, prompting authorities to investigate the circumstances leading to the tragic accident.