Women mentors is key for emerging female leaders to progress in STEM field, says Reema Sinha, staff scientist at SABIC

Women mentors is key for emerging female leaders to progress in STEM field, says Reema Sinha, staff scientist at SABIC

Sulekha NairUpdated: Thursday, March 24, 2022, 12:03 PM IST
Reema Sinha, Staff Scientist at SABIC recently won the STEP Ahead Awards for 2022 from the Manufacturing Institute. |

While women are increasingly joining the workforce in the tech industry, it is also important to note that young girls in India comprise 30 percent of engineering students which is among the highest in the world and more than the developed nations like the US, UK, Germany and France as per All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE). We have good representation of women at junior levels but as we move up the level, we observe the metaphor of a leaky pipeline.

Reema Sinha, Staff Scientist at SABIC recently won the STEP Ahead Awards for 2022 from the Manufacturing Institute. SABIC is a global leader in diversified chemicals, headquartered in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The STEP Ahead Awards by Manufacturing Institute recognize women in science, technology, engineering, and production careers who exemplify leadership within their companies. It identifies top talent in the manufacturing industry and further encourages award winners to mentor and support the next generation of female talent to pursue modern manufacturing careers.

Excerpts from an email interview:

Can you recall your initial days at work as a woman employee in the STEM sector?

I secured my first job through the IIT campus selection program. It was a dream come true for me as my initial days at work exposed me to the nuances of the industry. I was fortunate enough to be part of a global meeting thanks to supportive managers. These were wonderful experiences for a fresher in terms of exposure and learning as I had never received such global exposure before.

The theme of this year’s International Women’s Day is #breakthebias. Are existing stereotypes still prevalent at workplaces?

Currently we have a good representation of women at junior levels in the STEM field. But as we move up the hierarchy, the situation resembles a leaky pipeline due to the lack of representation. This can be attributed to the age-old gender stereotypes, putting the onus on women to balance career and family commitments, juggling multiple responsibilities including work, family, household, and children. Ample support from the organization and family coupled with effective governmental policies will help improve workforce participation. One such necessity is increased maternity leave. These are small measures that can be adopted which will lead to a more inclusive future.

Are STEM workplaces more sensitive to gender issues and women employees compared to previous times?

Yes, absolutely. Workplaces are more sensitive to gender-related issues today. Along with increased number of women in leadership positions, DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) is now a critical part of every company’s culture and practice. At the end of the day, be it any gender, one needs a strong foundation comprising the support of family, friends, and colleagues to ensure work life balance and a successful career. In my case, I am truly blessed to have always been surrounded by wonderful people. Be it managing my children through good childcare with necessary domestic support or managing my work; my family, friends and colleagues have always come forward to lend a hand.

Are women considered for leadership roles in STEM organisations now without the inherent bias?

Leadership positions in the STEM field comes with its own set of challenges for women. In this field technologies evolve rapidly, and employees must upgrade and educate themselves continuously to deliver results. While the challenges faced are varied, immense hard work and extra hours are needed for women employees to shine through due to family commitments. Lack of women mentorship for emerging women leaders coupled with difficult and hazardous work environments including machinery and chemicals direct women to alternate career paths.

How has other women in STEM inspired you?

I have had the opportunity to meet and work with several industry leaders in my life who inspired me to better myself. Each of them had a distinct role to play in shaping my professional and personal life.

What would be your advice to the young women in STEM?

With ample support and encouragement in terms governmental and organizational policies, STEM offers endless opportunities to employees regardless of their gender. It equips young aspiring women to flourish in their careers. Society at large and industries nowadays are more receptive to women in this field, compared to few decades ago.

My advice to women is to improve knowledge and grow within the ecosystem by always surrounding yourself with people who are better than you, whom you can learn and take feedback from. They will not only be your best teachers but your best critics and guide you to the right direction which is important to be successful in life.


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