The Ola electric IPO concluded on August 6 and was subscribed 4.26 times, valued at Rs 6,145.56 crore. The company was officially listed on August 9 at 10:00 IST. In accordance with the data available on the stock exchanges, the issue received bids of 1,98,14,05,530 shares against the offered 46,51,59,451 equity shares.
Amidst the euphoria surrounding the listing of the celebrated unicorn under Bhavish Aggarwal, a social media influencer has claimed that was offered money to write positive stories on the tech company's IPO.
In a post on social media platform X, Mahima Jalan, who claims to be a professional brand-builder and a content creator, said in a post that she was offered Rs 17,000 for writing 'nice things' about Ola's IPO.
Jalan said, "Got INR 17,000 and offered to write nice things about OLA IPO."
She claimed to have denied the 'offer'.
Ola Eletric shares jumped 20 per cent after muted listing. The shares were listed on the equity markets for Rs 76.00. |
Ola's Listing
Some users reacted to this post in a jocular manner, and said, "You take the entire amount na, will send your contact to that agency".
Another user commented,"Average salary of a fresher."
Ola Eletric shares jumped 20 per cent after muted listing. The shares were listed on the equity markets for Rs 76.00.
The Bengaluru-based company will use Rs 1,227.64 crore to increase the cell manufacturing capacity at Ola Futurefactory.
Rs 800 crore will go into the repayment of existing debt. In addition, Rs 1,600 crore will go into Research and Development.