The markets on Friday morning opened lower with Sensex at 65,000.67, down by 251.67 points and Nifty was flat at 19,268.20 with a loss of 118.50 points. Asian Paints and Power Grid were the top gainers in the morning session, whereas Jio Financial Services, UltraTech Cement, Mahindra and Mahindra, Wipro and Reliance were among the losers.
Markets on Wednesday
The benchmark indices ended on a Negative note. The 30-share BSE Sensex fell 180.96 points to end the day at 65,252.34 and the NSE Nifty went down by 57.30 points to end the day at 19,386.70. Nifty Bank on the other hand gained 17.15 points at 44,496.20.
Global markets
US markets ended 1 per cent lower on Thursday after sharp gains this week as investors were nervous ahead of the Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell's speech on Friday. The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 373.56 points at 34,099.42, the S&P 500 closed lower with a 59.7 point loss at 4,376.31 and Nasdaq Composite fell 257.06 points to 13,463.97.
The Asian stock markets were trading lower on Friday with South Korea's KOSPI falling 18.69 points at 2,518.99, Hong Kong's Hang Seng lost 216.63 points at 17,995.54, GIFT Nifty exchange was trading higher at 19,301.50 with a jump of 8.50 points and Japan's Nikkei 225 shed 576.60 points at 31,710.61.
Oil prices
Oil prices were stable on Friday morning as weak manufacturing data in major economies impacted the global demand outlook. Brent crude futures for October were at $83.27 per barrel and US West Texas Intermediate crude slipped to $79 per barrel.
The Indian rupee opened flat on Friday morning at 82.58 per dollar against Thursday's close of 82.57.