The markets on Friday morning were trading higher with Sensex at 62,897.33, up by 48.69 points and Nifty was at 18,645.40 with a gain of 10.85 points. Tata Motors, Titan, Maruti, Reliance and UltraTech Cement were the top gainers in the morning session whereas Hindustan Unilever, Infosys, Sun Pharma, ITC and Kotak Bank were amongst the losers.
Markets on Thursday
After the Reserve Bank of India hinted at tightening economic conditions to battle inflation, Sensex ended the day in the red at 62,876.30 points after a 266.71-point drop. Even though RBI left interest rates unchanged, Nifty settled at 18,647.50 points after a 0.42 per cent drop. The stocks for nine out of 13 major sectors remained subdued on Thursday.
Global markets
US stocks on the back of technology stocks closed higher on Thursday with the Dow Jones Industrial Average adding 168.59 points to 33,833.61, the S&P 500 rose by 26.41 at 4,293.93 and Nasdaq closed higher at 13,238.52 down by 133.63 points.
The Asian stock markets on Thursday were higher after Dow Jones Industrial average rose for the third straight session with South Korea's KOSPI rose higher at 2,632.26 with a gain of 21.41 points, Japan's Nikkei 225 added 559.36 points at 32,200.63 and Singapore's SGX Nifty was higher with a gain of 37.50 points at 18,758. However, Hong Kong's Hang Seng was relatively flat at 19,294.18 with a loss of 5 points
Oil prices
With speculations on the possibilities of nuclear deal between United States and Iran and the impact on demand after Saudi tightens oil supply, oil prices on Friday fell in the early Asia trade. Brent crude futures were down 36 cents at $75.60 per barrel and US West Texas Intermediate crude was at $70.96 per barrel with a gain of 33 cents.
Indian rupee on Friday opened higher at 82.48 per dollar against Thursday's close of 82.57.