The markets on Monday opened higher with Sensex at 62,889.90, up by 388.21 points and Nifty was at 18,609.90 with a gain of 110.55 points. Mahindra and Mahindra, TCS, HDFC, IndusInd Bank and Wipro were the top gainers in the morning session.
The stocks of Adani Transmission, Rail Vikas Nigam, IRCTC, Torrent Power and NHPC will be in focus as the companies are announcing the results for the last quarter today.
Markets on Friday
Thanks to increased buying by Foreign Institutional Investors, Sensex surged 623 points to end the week at 62,496. Nifty also went up by 0.94 per cent to hit 18,495 points at close, buoyed by a rebound for global markets and gains made by US stocks.
Global markets
Wall Street shares on Friday after being on the lower end rose sharply as the US debt ceiling progressed and chip stocks gained for a second straight day due to optimism surrounding AI. The Nasdaq Composite rose by 2.19 per cent to 12,975.69, S&P 500 closed higher at 4,205.45 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose to 33,093.34.
With the US debt negotiations reaching closer to a deal the Asian markets on Monday were in green. Singapore's SGX Nifty saw a gain of 159 points at 18,707, South Korea's KOSPI was comparatively flat with a gain of 4.12 points at 2,558.81 and Japan's Nikkei 225 was in the green with a gain of 159 points at 31,330.63. However, Hong Kong's Hang Seng was at 18,723.72 with a drop of 23.20 points.
Oil prices
Oil prices on Monday were were higher after as United States leaders reached a tentative decision to avoid debt default. Brent crude futures went up by 39 cents to $77.34 per barrel and US West Texas Intermediate crude was at $73.12 per barrel with a gain of 45 cents.
Indian rupee on Monday opened flat at 82.58 per dollar against Friday's close of 82.57.