The Ministry of External Affairs has sanctioned an amount of Rs 261.71 crore for the redevelopment of MEA housing complex at Kasturba Gandhi marg, New Delhi that will be done by NBCC (India) Limited, the company announced through an exchange filing.
The company had signed a memorandum of understanding with the ministry of external affairs in August 2022. At the time of signing the MoU the tentative amount was fixed at Rs 175 crore.
NBCC Receives order worth Rs 264.05 crore
NBCC in May received an order worth Rs 264.05 crore for construction at Mahanadi campus of Ravenshaw university. The project includes project management consultancy on a deposit work basis.
NBCC shares
The shares of NBCC on Tuesday at 12:24 pm IST were at Rs 40.25, up by 2.42 per cent.