KFin Technologies Limited announced in an exchange filing on Saturday that the nomination and remuneration committee of the company's board of directors had allocated a total of 61,066 Equity Shares, each with a face value of Rs 10. This allocation was carried out following the exercising of options by eligible grantees under the KFin Employee Stock Option Plan 2020.
The face value of the equity shares is Rs 10 each.
Issued, subscribed, and paid-up Equity Share
Following this allotment, the issued, subscribed, and paid-up Equity Share capital of the Company has increased from Rs 170,64,55,880, consisting of 17,06,45,588 Equity Shares with a face value of Rs 10 each, to Rs 170,70,66,540, comprising 17,07,06,654 Equity Shares with a face value of Rs 10 each.
KFin Technologies Limited shares
At 3:30 pm IST on Friday, the shares of KFin Technologies Limited closed the trading session at Rs 507.20, marking an increase of 2.14 percent.