Karnataka Chief minister Siddaramaiah is presenting the second state budget for this fiscal worth around Rs 3.3 lakh crore on Friday with the total expenditure at Rs 3,27,747 crore and revenue expenditure at Rs 2,50,933 crore. The capital expenditure for the budget is at Rs 54,374 crore and loan repayment at Rs 22,441 crore, reported ANI.
In the budget the Congress government led by CM Siddaramaiah increased the additional excise duty on Indian-made liquor by 20 per cent and the additional excise on beer has increased to 185 per cent from the earlier 175 per cent.
The CM also increased tax on milk by 20 per cent.
Employees of e-commerce delivery employees like Swiggy, Zomato and Amazon delivery will get a life and accident insurance of Rs 4 lakh, announced the Karnataka CM.
In his budget presentation Karnataka CM announced the launch of Universal Basic Income for the first time in the country. He said, "The government should strive to equally distribute resources."
The CM also granted ₹30,000 crore for metro and ₹100 crore for Indira Canteen.
While presenting the budget he said, ₹4,000 crore per annum has been set aside for Shakti Yojana and ₹13,910 crore have been set aside for Gruha Jyothi scheme by the Karnataka government.
CM Siddaramaiah has also said that there will be a new film city in Mysore.
This is the first budget after the Congress government assumed power in the state with a landslide victory in assembly elections. This is the seventh budget by Siddaramaiah as a chief minister. He had presented six budgets during his tenure as Karnataka chief minister between 2013 and 2018.