In a latest development for India's electronics manufacturing sector, the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi recently met with Young Liu, the Chairman of Hon Hai Technology Group, commonly known as Foxconn. The meeting, took place on August 14, 2024.
PM Narendra Modi on the social media platform X, formerly Twitter, wrote, "Wonderful to meet Mr. Young Liu, the Chairman of Hon Hai Technology Group (Foxconn). I highlighted the wonderful opportunities India offers in futuristic sectors."
"We had excellent discussions on their investment plans in India, particularly in states like Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh," he added.
Netizens Reaction
An X user wrote, "Great to see strong collaborations being forged between India and global tech leaders like Foxconn! Exciting times ahead for Maharashtra Gujarat Karnataka, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh. Etc.."
Another user added, "Foxconn is a major player in electronics manufacturing. Would be great for India to get such companies to expand in India!"
About the company
Foxconn's expansion in India is expected to be a game-changer for the country's manufacturing sectorr. The company's investments are expected to bring cutting-edge technology, and enhance local employment.
Foxconn is known as one of the world’s largest electronics manufacturer.
Furthermore, the company’s main products include smart consumer electronics like smartphones, TVs, and game consoles.
They also make cloud and networking products such as servers and communication networks, along with computing devices like computers and tablets.
In addition, the company produces various components, including connectors and mechanical parts, and offers related services.