Adani Green Energy's total operational capacity has increased to 49 per cent year-on-year to 8,086 MW which is the largest in India, the company said through an exchange filing. The company has also added that its sale of energy increased by 58 per cent year-on-year to 14,880 mn units in the financial year 2023 in comparison to 9,426 mn units in the financial year 2022.
Capacity addition
The company has commissioned a 2,140 MW solar-wind hybrid power cluster in Rajasthan, a 325 MW wind power plant in Madhya Pradesh and a 212 MW solar power plant in Rajasthan.
Operational performance
The sale of solar energy went up by 29 per cent and the wind energy up by 37 per cent.
The solar portfolio CUF for FY23 was at 24.7 per cent with 90 bps improvement year-on-year backed by 99.6 per cent plant availability. The wind portfolio CUF was at 25.2 per cent with 560 bps reduction year-on-year. This reduction was due to one-off disruption in the transmission line for 150 MW plant at Gujarat, which the company said has not been restored fully.
The hybrid portfolio CUF was at 35.5 per cent backed by 99.1 per cent plant availability. The company's realized carbon credit in the financial year 2023 was at 3.9 mn.