Forest minister Vijay Shah has a unique photo on his Twitter profile. He is seen with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The PM is opposed to dynasticism in political parties. Also, the BJP national president JP Nadda was categorical in his statement recently that the party wouldn’t go with dynasticism in the local bodies polls even if it has to face defeat. Vijay Shah’s son was elected as zila panchayat vice-president in his hometown Khandwa. Now, another photo- Vijay Shah celebrating his son’s victory along with his son, in a dance posture. This photo is on his Twitter page itself.
Requests from many quarters for transfer of employees in his department has frightened a senior IAS officer to such an extent that he says ‘No’ to any such request before the sentence is even completed by the person making the request for the transfer of his close one or someone else. The officer has a valid reason, as he says, behind his 'No' as the atmosphere is so polluted that any transfer by him would mean that he has done this for financial consideration. Hence, it is better to ask the person to place his request before Mantri ji.
For a common man it’s difficult to get past a toll plaza without paying the toll but for any minister’s kin this comes as an offence against him. A Union minister’s son and his friends returning home after a night party felt offended on demand of toll and they roughed up some employees of the toll plaza. This enraged the employees and they reportedly taught a lesson to the son led youth’s group. Of course, police lodged the FIR of ‘Mantri putra’ but not the FIR of toll people in the first place. But on seeing the CCTV footage they had to lodge the FIR later.
March by all those on field duty in police department from DGP to constable on Saturday evening across the state may or may not have reinforced public confidence in law and order machinery, it certainly gave an opportunity to a group of children in the state capital to raise their voice against sale of liquor going on in their area. Embarrassed for a few moments as they were over children’s ‘intrusion’ in their march on foot and demand by shouting slogans against the liquor shop police authorities managed to control the situation and marched ahead having given positive assurances to the children.
There is a debate going on in the BJP circles, though in a hushed tone, as to why none of the party leaders who matter have taken responsibility for the party’s defeat in mayoral elections in seven cities of the state including two major towns- Gwalior and Jabalpur. From Gwalior-Chambal regions there come at least 11 ministers including two Union ministers and a horde of presidents and other office-bearers of government run boards and corporations. Chambal region happens to be the home turf of state BJP president. The party dominated the local bodies’ polls but there is silence over the responsibility issue. A party leader said it seems trumpeting over the victory was being done in such a high decibel manner that nobody could raise his voice over the defeat.
Did a collector favour a candidate supported by the ruling party to ensure defeat of the rival candidate? A tribal woman leader thinks so. She has alleged that when the result between the ruling party supported candidate and her for zila panchayat president post was a tie the collector showed dishonesty in pushing the slip bearing her name under his thigh during a lottery to ensure the rival candidate wins the election. She has further accused the collector of misbehaving with her. An FIR was lodged by the collector against her but her complaint was yet to be entertained by police.