Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Chief Minister Mohan Yadav is soon going to visit Azamgarh district in Uttar Pradesh after his trip to Bihar. He will take part in a meeting with the BJP office-bearers of Azamgarh cluster that consists of five Lok Sabha constituencies. The party’s central leadership has directed Yadav to take part in a meeting with the BJP office-bearers from Azamgarh, Lalganj, Ghosi, Balia and Salempur constituencies.
The BJP leadership, which has divided the country into different clusters, has asked its leaders to hold meetings with office-bearers there. Before this, Mohan Yadav went to Bihar and took part in a meeting with the Yadavas. There is a large number of Yadav voters in the Azamgarh and Ballia constituencies in UP.
The Chief Minister is being sent there to influence them. Because there are 11 Lok Sabha seats where the Yadav voters play an important role, Mohan Yadav will be sent to other constituencies to influence them. Jaunpur, Faizabad, Budaun, Firozabad, Itawa, Mainpuri, Etah and Sant Kabir Nagar have many Yadavs who cast their votes in favour of the Samajwadi Party.
Mohan Yadav has been asked to bring these voters to the BJP. The number of Yadav voters is 9% of total population of UP besides the Yadavas have influence on other backward communities. This is the reason why Chief Minister Mohan Yadav is being sent to Bihar and UP before the Lok Sabha election for campaigning.