Morena (Madhya Pradesh): In a groundbreaking initiative, wildlife experts from three states will undertake the first-ever survey to count aquatic life in the Chambal River. Using a combination of scientific methods and boat patrols, the experts aim to cover a distance of 500 meters within Chambal over a 13-day period, culminating in the submission of a comprehensive report to the government.
Scheduled for February 14, the survey will involve specialists from Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Rajasthan. Scientists will traverse Chambal on foot and by boat, conducting meticulous counts of aquatic species hidden beneath the water surface. Additionally, the expedition will include assessments of water flow and temperature in the river.
Situated at the confluence of the three states, the Chambal Sanctuary spans approximately 500 kilometers, with the largest area falling within the borders of Madhya Pradesh. While Chambal River is home to numerous aquatic species, the Chambal Sanctuary specifically houses significant wildlife, including Alligators and other vital aquatic organisms.
Traditionally, the task of counting aquatic life in the Chambal Sanctuary fell under the purview of the Forest Department officials in Morena, Madhya Pradesh. However, this time, experts from all three states, accompanied by local specialists, will collaborate on the survey. The designated date for their convergence at the Chambal riverbank, near the Madhya Pradesh border, is February 14.
The survey will commence with a 40-kilometer on-foot exploration on the first day, followed by the utilization of motorized boats for further coverage. The ambitious survey aims to document the aquatic life in Chambal over the course of an entire day, with subsequent collection of water samples to assess flow patterns and quality.
Speaking on the occasion, DFO Swaroop Dikshit highlighted the importance of transparency and the inclusion of experts from all three states. He emphasized that the extended participation of specialists from Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Rajasthan would significantly enhance the survey's effectiveness and credibility.