Narmadapuram (Madhya Pradesh): In a broad daylight robbery, a motorcycle was stolen from the Anand Nagar area of Narmadapuram district on Saturday. The entire incident was captured on CCTV which has come into the cognizance of police.
According to sources, Uday Meena, a resident of the nearby village of Khedla, had come to Anand Nagar on his black Splendor motorcycle (MP 05 MA 1532) to meet a college friend.
Around 2:30 Pm, he parked his motorcycle outside his friend’s residence and went inside to meet his friend. After some time when he returned, he could not find his motorcycle.
After waiting for a while, he checked the CCTV footage from the cameras installed in the nearby houses. The footage revealed that two individuals had stolen his motorcycle. Uday Meena took the CCTV footage and went to the district police station to file a report.
Further details are awaited.