Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Voter Awareness’ Vehicle was launched to increase the voting percentage and make people aware about ethical voting on Thursday. Former Chief Election Commissioner of India OP Rawat and Vice-Chancellor of Barkatullah University, Professor SK Jain inaugurated it at the main gate of Barkatullah University. The vehicle is being run under the joint aegis of ADR (Association for Democratic Reforms), District Administration and National Service Scheme, Barkatullah University, Bhopal.
Five persons dressed in cartoon characters like Chhota Bheem, Motu-Patlu, Tom and Jerry from ADR were also the centre of attraction. All the characters appealed to vote with slogans including ‘Madhya Pradesh Karega Vote, Bhopal Karega Vote’.
Rawat said that such constructive efforts are very necessary. “I am very happy that the youth are coming forward for moral voting and are appealing to people to come forward and vote in low polling areas.” he said.