Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Following the direction of Madhya Pradesh High Court principal bench in Jabalpur, state police have launched a state wide rigorous helmet checking drive. The court in its order dated November 19 made it helmet mandatory for both the two-wheeler rider, as well as the pillion rider and also seat belt by four-wheeler riders.
The drive that started on November 20 across the state will continue till January 10 and a report in this connection will be submitted to the court by January 15. The court has also warned to initiate contempt proceedings against the authorities concerned if compliance to its order of compulsory wearing of helmet by two-wheeler riders and seat belt by four-wheeler riders is not complied with.
As per the court order, two-wheeler commuter sans helmet will not be given petrol at fuel stations. The norm also applies for government officers, who will be denied entry into the office if they are found riding a two-wheeler without a helmet. The traffic police in Bhopal have been conducting checking drives at almost 16 points, Deputy commissioner of police (Traffic), Padm Vilochan Shukla told Free Press. Apart from two-wheeler riders, traffic cops are also checking the four-wheeler riders for seat belts. The people found flouting the norm will be fined up to Rs 500.