Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Collector and district returning officer Asheesh Singh has imposed a prohibitory order to maintain law and order during the counting of votes for the assembly elections on Sunday. A prohibitory order has been imposed under section 144 of the CrPC.
According to the order, not more than five or more persons will gather at one place at a time without the permission of the competent authority. Any political parties/victorious candidates/their supporters, groups of individuals and organisations will not be allowed to carry or misuse or demonstrate any kind of sharp or other weapons, firearms, hockey sticks, rods etc. in public places. They will not be allowed to organise any meeting, protest, procession, vehicle/general rally etc. at any place without the permission of the competent authority.
Moreover, any kind of political activity will be completely banned on the premises of government/non-government school grounds, buildings and government offices.
Further, they will not be allowed to use DJ music or amplifiers without the permission of the competent authority. It will be necessary to completely follow the provisions of the Noise Control Act 1985 and The Noise Pollution and Regulation and Control Rule 2000 and Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) (Amendment) Rules, 2010.