Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Union Minister of Coal, Mines and Parliamentary Affairs Pralhad Joshi said non-BJP ruled states such as Jharkhand, Telangana and Tamil Nadu were not cooperating in the mine auction. The ministry is trying to convince them, said the Central minister, adding that BJP-ruled states like Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and even Chhattisgarh were doing good in the auction. As far as auctioning is concerned then Madhya Pradesh is on top by auctioning 29 blocks. Chhattisgarh is in second position by auctioning 26 blocks.
The minister was speaking to media persons after the conclusion of the second state mining minister’s conference here on Tuesday.
Talking about the initiatives of the ministry, the minister said that a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed with Argentina for five mines of Lithium and if lithium is found there then after processing, it will be brought to India.
The contribution of mining is 0.9% in the GDP and a target has been set to increase it to 2.5 %, said Joshi.
Talking about the exploration work of minerals, the minister said that 30 minerals have been identified and 24 minerals are available in India. He however sighted that overall exploration was very less.
He further said that in 2023-24, there is a target to auction 500 mines and within a few months, this mark will be crossed over.
‘Self-reliant mining sector’
Earlier, while addressing the conference, Union Minister Pralhad Joshi, emphasized on the self-reliant mining sector. He said the reforms initiated by the ministry will strengthen the mining sector as well as contribute to the nation’s economic growth. To support the shift to green energy, last month the Ministry placed 20 critical mineral blocks for auction. It will not only support the energy transition but also create opportunities for State Governments to earn more revenue. In the conference, Madhya Pradesh highlighted their newly launched Sand Policy.
MP will benefit from reforms: CM
Chief Minister Mohan Yadav said that all the States including Madhya Pradesh will benefit from the reforms and initiatives undertaken in the mining sector by the ministry of mines. There are many hidden possibilities in our rich underground resources, implementation of these reforms and adoption of innovations will strengthen the states economically.
During the conference Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh & Karnataka felicitated for best performance in auction of Mining Blocks.