Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): A 14-year-old girl who went missing from outside her coaching centre at Jehanabad in Bihar a month ago was rescued in Mandsaur on Saturday. In her one-month ordeal, the minor was sold in Gaya, Bihar and was married off to a 26-year-old man in a village in Madhya Pradesh from where she was rescued with the help of the MP police and Bachpan Bachao Andolan. The incident happened on November 3, when the girl left her home at around 8 am for her coaching centre. When she did not return home till late evening, her family panicked and asked around, but in vain.
Unable to trace her whereabouts, the family filed an FIR the next morning. On that day, her 20-year-old friend Akash tricked her and asked her to leave her house on the pretext of marriage. She conceded and what followed was a month of abuse, rape and trauma. The Bihar police traced the man who had sold the girl and arrested him in Arwal, Bihar.
The police also recovered the girl’s mobile phone from him. The man’s call records and money transactions of Rs 1 lakh from one account and Rs 50,000 from another account led the police to the girl in MP.