Chhatarpur (Madhya Pradesh): The police have arrested a 26-year-old man for raping a three-year-old tribal girl in Singari village under Rajnagar police station. The culprit was arrested from near a stop dam outside the village, official sources said on Friday. The man took the girl out of her house on Thursday evening on the pretext of buying an ice-cream for her and raped her. The girl was found in an unconscious state.
Superintendent of police Amit Sanghi and additional superintendent of police Vikram Singh rushed to the district hospital and took feedback on the condition of the girl. Sanghi said the accused lives in Dhodhan village under Bamitha police station in Chattarpur and works as a labourer in Delhi. He visited his in-laws’ house for delivery of his wife.
He took the child to stop dam and raped her. When the child did not return home, her family members began to search for her. They informed Rajnagar police station in-charge Rajesh Banjare about the incident and gave description of the man who took her from the house. A police team searched for the girl and the accused.
The girl was found in an unconscious state near the stop-dam. At night, she was admitted to the district hospital, but since her condition deteriorated, she was referred to Gwalior Hospital at daybreak. Sanghi said the accused, who was arrested, would be given stringent punishment.