Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The Commissioner of police (CP) of Bhopal, Harinarayanachari Mishra on Wednesday has announced a reward of Rs 30 thousand on any leads pertaining to the accused, who had barged into a jewellery shop on Tuesday night, and made away with cash money, as well as jewellery.
As per Bag Sewaniya police, the unidentified accused were armed, and had robbed the jewellery shop on knife-point and gun-point. Bag Sewaniya police station TI Amit Soni told Free Press that the accused robbed Rs 40 thousand cash money, along with several gold ornaments, which totalled to Rs 6 lakh. He added that seven police teams have been constituted to nab the accused, and the crime branch too, has been roped in for the probe.
Accused had been bearing toy guns
TI Soni said that after the owner of the shop, as well as its employees were questioned, they told them that while the accused were fleeing from the store, they allegedly mocked the owners by saying that the gun with which they intimidated them was a toy gun. When the same question was posed before Misrod ACP Rajneesh Kashyap Kaul, he said that once the accused are nabbed, the entire truth would come to light.