Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Hawk force came under the attack of Naxals in an area under Debarveli police post of district Balaghat, said the police on Monday. Police have seized a huge amount of naxal literature and items from their hideout. SP Sameer Saurabh said around 10-12 naxals opened fire on the hawk force on patrolling in the Naxal-affected area on Sunday around 2 pm. The cops took shelter and fired back on the Naxals; no one was injured in the cross firing, said the officer.
The naxals took the advantage of the dense jungle and ran away leaving their firearms and other. The police have seized a tent, multicentre, 12 watt battery, USB charger, battery holders, food, cooking utensils and many more items from their hideouts. SP added that more police have been sent into the area and an intense search operation has been launched in the area. The naxal are trying to create space in the Balaghat, Mandla and in Dindori district. The security agencies of state and Government of India are keeping tight vigil on their activities in the state.