Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The Congress got the first jolt on Friday after the results of the assembly election were out on December 3 last year. Former legislator from Morena, Rakesh Mawai, joined the BJP on Friday. Mawai was angry after the assembly election, because instead of him, a ticket was given to Dinesh Gurjar who won the election. He took the BJP membership in the presence of Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia.
But the BJP does not give membership to an individual in this way. Mawai, an old aide of Scindia, wanted to leave the Congress along with the latter in 2020. Mawai, however, stayed back in the Congress, because he was given a ticket for the by-election.
Now that the assembly election results have been declared and the BJP has handsomely won it, he joined the ruling party. After Mawai’s switchover to the BJP, many Congress leaders are ready to leave the party before the Lok Sabha election. A few BJP leaders who joined the Congress before the assembly polls want to return to the party. Such people are contacting the BJP leaders at different levels.