Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Charred body of a man was found in Bilkhiriya locality on Saturday, the police said. The police added that the kin suspect that he might have been murdered, owing to a dispute he had few days ago. Station house officer (SHO) of Bilkhiriya police station BP Singh said that the man who was found dead had been identified as Brijesh Sahu (45), who used to drive a loading vehicle.
The police learnt that Sahu was in Indore from the past two days and had reached Bhopal at 11 pm on Friday. On Saturday, at around 5.30 am, the police were informed about charred body lying on the Bawadia Khurd road and the vehicle he was driving had caught fire too. The police rushed to the spot and took custody of the body.
As the body was completely charred, the police encountered problems in ascertaining his identity. However, with the help of his slippers, the police emerged successful in ascertaining his identity. Sahu’s kin told the police that he had landed into an altercation with some people at a vegetable market a few days ago, which could have led to his murder.